the holistic chef
the mystical and magical ancient art of wild fermentation
The technique of fermenting foods dates back up to 8.000 years ago, when some Asian civilizations were making their own wine, beer and bread. Fermentation is a natural biological process. Most cultures around the world have developed their own types of fermented food and drinks, which are an integral part of their culture. These techniques came out of a necessity to preserve food for long periods of time without the use of refrigeration or canning methods. As it turns out, fermentation of dairy products, fruits and vegetables have profound benefits way beyond simple preservation. Sourdough, wine, champagne, kombucha, chocolate, coffee, beer, cider, cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and soy sauce are just a few examples of some fermented products we enjoy on a regular basis.
“All Disease Begins In The Gut”. The bodily process of digestion and absorption is one of the most important to our health. Hippocrates made this statement over two thousand years ago and it is truer today than ever.
Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits bad bacterial growth. Some of the many benefits of eating food with live, Lactobacillus bacteria include a healthier digestive system. Our digestive system is nothing short of a miracle in action, that will digest the 35 tonnes of food we consume on average in our life times. Our bodies state of health and wellbeing is a result of the food and drink we choose to consume and how well our digestive system can operate to efficiently extract and absorb all the vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes we need to thrive. Bacteria in our gut enable us to live. We could not survive without bacteria. We co-exist with an estimated 90 trillion bacteria living within us as we speak. They enable us to digest and assimilate the nutrients in our food; and they play a huge role, just beginning to be understood, in our immune functioning and in many other processes in our bodies. All life has evolved from bacteria and no other form of life has lived without bacteria.
nut cracker man's original food source
The tigernut is not actually a nut, but a small tuber. records of their existance date back up to 9000 years ago. tigernuts have long been recognised for their health benefits, as they are high in fibre, proteins, and natural sugars. The ancient egyptians, one of the greatest civilizations of antiquity, already used this food for its magnificent healing and regenerative properties. evidence of how valuable tigernuts were for the egyptians is given by the fact that tigernuts were found in some sarcophagi, where it is known that the egyptians were buried with their most valuable possessions. since those times, or even before, different civilizations have given the tigernut a fundamental role in a balanced and healthy diet. the traditional way of preparing tigernuts has always been through tigernut milk or horchata, a sweet, delicious and extremely popular drink in the mediterranean, africa and latin america.
human evolution
the invention of cooking is what led to the rise of humanity. the ability to harness fire and cook food allowed the brain to grow and the digestive tract to shrink, giving rise to our ancestor Homo erectus some 1.8 million years ago.
Cooking is the signature feature of the human diet, and indeed, of human life. cooking makes eating faster and easier, and wrings more caloric benefit from food. cooking is vitally important to supporting the large human brain, which consumes a quarter of the body’s energy.
black rice
the emperors black rice has a rich cultural history
In ancient times, chinese emperors reserved this wonderfully nutty rice for their own consumption because it was thought that it would extend their lives; actually, it seems they weren’t that far off the mark. black rice does provide many health benefits that we are just finding out about now. In addition to its healing and nutritious qualities, it would seem that black rice was also considered to be somewhat of an aphrodisiac at one time. black rice is surely ‘one of the’… if not ‘the most’ special breeds of rice that are cultivated on earth. Its special, near medicinal values are truly stunning. black rice is the kind of food that can add vibrancy and nourishment to your life.
The natural world nourishes, supports, and sustains plant, animal, and human life
We, in turn, are to care for it with our utmost respect. A disregard for the natural world leads to plundering of the earth’s resources and pollution of its atmosphere and water. A renewed commitment to the preservation of biological life and to the natural harmony between humans and nature can help us to resolve these and other problems that threaten our wholeness and our very survival."
'respect for food is respect for life, for who we are.. is what we eat'
1 - our health is our greatest wealth
2 - respect for food is respect for life
3 - variety is the spice of life
4 - eat more plants and wholefoods
5 - eat consciously and with awareness
6 - respect thy farmer
7 - though shall not waste food
8 - prevention is better than cure
9 - let food be thy medicine
10 - develop and share your cooking skills